Percentage calculator

Get accurate percentage results in a flash with our automatic Percentage Calculator! No equations or manual calculations needed. Try it now!
Pie chart illustrating percentages.

What Percentage is a Specific Number

Determine what percentage a specific number represents out of a total.

Example: 80 is 80% of 100


Formula for "What Percentage is a Specific Number":

(Part / Whole) * 100%

For example, if you want to find out what percentage 80 is of 100, you would divide 80 by 100, then multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage. So (80 / 100) * 100% = 80%

Translate a Percentage to a Value

Translate a percentage into a specific value within a whole.

Example: 20% of 100 is 20


Formula for "Translate a Percentage to a Value":

(Percentage / 100) * Whole

For example, if you want to find out what 20% of 100 is, you would divide 20 by 100, then multiply the result by 100. So (20 / 100) * 100 = 20

Determine Percentage Change Between Two Numbers

Calculate the percentage change between two numbers.

Example: The percentage change from 10 to 20 is 100%


The formula for "Determine Percentage Change Between Two Numbers":

((New Value - Old Value) / Old Value) * 100%

For example, if you want to calculate the percentage change from 10 to 20, you would subtract 10 from 20, divide the result by 10, then multiply by 100 to convert it to a percentage. So ((20 - 10) / 10) * 100% = 100%

Calculate Value Increase or Decrease Based on Percentage

Find out how much a value increases or decreases when a specific percentage is applied.

Example: 10% increase on 100 is 10


The formula for "Calculate Value Increase or Decrease Based on Percentage":

(Percentage / 100) * Old Value

For example, if you want to find out how much a value increases by 10% from 100, you would divide 10 by 100, then multiply the result by 100. So (10 / 100) * 100 = 10

Specialized percentage calculators

Our main percentage calculator is capable of performing the majority of basic percentage calculations. We understand that some users may require a more specific tool, which is why we have created additional calculators to address these needs. In most cases, you can obtain the same answer with our main calculator; however, we strive to make math-related tasks as effortless as possible for our users. Please take a look at our specialized percentage calculators below and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any ideas for new ones.

DIG DEEPER: The Vital Role of Percentages in Daily Life

Calculator Guide: What Percentage is a Specific Number

  1. Enter the Specific Number:
    • Locate the input field labeled "Enter specific number."
    • Click inside the input box.
    • Type in the number you'd like to determine the percentage of. For example, if you're trying to find out what percentage 80 is of 100, type "80" into this box.
  2. Enter the Total Number:
    • Find the input field labeled "Enter total number."
    • Click inside the input box.
    • Type in the total number. Following the previous example, you would type "100" into this box.
  3. Calculate:
    • Once you've entered both the specific and total numbers, click the red button labeled "Calculate."
    • The calculator will process the information and display the percentage in the "Percentage" field.
  4. Review the Pie Chart:
    • Below the input fields, a pie chart will be shown. This chart visually represents the entered specific number as a percentage of the total.
    • The red section of the pie chart symbolizes the specific number's percentage, while the gray section represents the remaining percentage.
  5. Reset the Calculator:
    • If you wish to conduct another calculation or clear the entered data, click on the black button labeled "Reset."
    • This action will clear all input fields and remove the pie chart, allowing you to start from scratch.

Calculator Guide: Translate a Percentage to a Value

  1. Enter the Percentage:
    • Find the input field labeled "Enter percentage."
    • Click inside the input box.
    • Type in the percentage you'd like to translate. For example, if you want to find out what 20% of a total value is, type "20" into this box.
  2. Enter the Total Value:
    • Locate the input field labeled "Enter total value."
    • Click inside the input box.
    • Type in the total value for which you'd like to calculate the percentage value. For instance, if you want to know what 20% of 100 is, type "100" into this box.
  3. Calculate:
    • After entering both the percentage and total value, click the red button labeled "Calculate."
    • The calculator will process the information and provide the translated value in the "Value" field.
  4. Review the Bar Chart:
    • A bar chart will be displayed below the input fields, showcasing the total value and the calculated percentage value.
    • The left bar symbolizes the total value, while the right bar indicates the calculated percentage value.
  5. Reset the Calculator:
    • If you'd like to perform another calculation or clear the entered data, click on the black button labeled "Reset."
    • This action will erase all input fields and remove the bar chart, enabling you to start over.

Calculator Guide: Determine Percentage Change Between Two Numbers

  1. Enter the Initial Number:
    • Find the input field labeled "Enter initial number."
    • Click inside the input box.
    • Type in the starting number from which you want to determine the percentage change. For example, if you're calculating the percentage change from 10 to 20, enter "10" into this box.
  2. Enter the Final Number:
    • Locate the input field labeled "Enter final number."
    • Click inside the input box.
    • Type in the number to which the initial number has changed. Continuing the previous example, you would enter "20" into this box.
  3. Calculate:
    • After providing both the initial and final numbers, click the red button labeled "Calculate."
    • The calculator will compute the percentage change and display the result in the "Percentage Change" field.
  4. Review the Bar Chart:
    • Below the input fields, a bar chart will be displayed, showcasing the initial and final numbers for a visual comparison.
    • The left bar represents the initial number, while the right bar indicates the final number. The title above the chart displays the calculated percentage change.
  5. Reset the Calculator:
    • If you wish to perform another calculation or clear the current data, click on the black button labeled "Reset."
    • This action will reset all input fields and remove the bar chart, enabling you to start anew.

Calculator Guide: Calculate Value Increase or Decrease Based on Percentage

  1. Enter the Initial Value:
    • Look for the input field labeled "Enter initial value."
    • Click inside the input box.
    • Type in the value you'd like to calculate the percentage change for. For example, if you want to determine the change for an initial value of $100, type "100" into this box.
  2. Enter the Percentage Change:
    • Find the input field labeled "Enter percentage change."
    • Click inside the input box.
    • Type in the desired percentage change as a number. For example:
      • For a 10% increase, type "10."
      • For a 10% decrease, type "-10."
  3. Calculate:
    • Once you've entered both values, locate the red button labeled "Calculate" and click on it.
    • The calculator will now process the entered data and display the results in two fields:
      • "Change Amount" displays the exact increase or decrease amount based on the entered percentage.
      • "New Value After Change" displays the new total value after applying the percentage change.
  4. Review the Bar Chart:
    • Below the input fields, a bar chart will appear illustrating the initial value and the new value after the percentage change.
    • The left bar represents the initial value, while the right bar represents the new value after the percentage change.
    • Above the chart, there's a title that indicates the exact change amount.
  5. Reset the Calculator:
    • If you wish to make another calculation or clear the entered data, click on the black button labeled "Reset."
    • This action will clear all input fields and hide the bar chart, allowing you to start fresh.
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