Independent savings calculator with compound interest

The savings calculator allows you to easily calculate how much you can save over a selected time period with compound interest. Let the calculator do the work for you!
Pink piggy bank

Calculate Savings with Compound Interest

Future Value:

Total Payments (Does not include Start Amount):

Total Interest:

How to use the savings calculator with compound interest

This calculator is designed to help you estimate the future value of your savings based on your initial deposit, the additional amount you plan to save regularly, and the estimated annual interest rate. Here's a simple guide to each of the fields in the calculator.

DEEP DIVE: What is Compound Interest: Growing Your Money Over Time

Video guide

Input fields

Start Amount

This is the amount of money you have saved already or plan to deposit as a starting amount in your savings account.

Annual Interest Rate (%)

This is the yearly interest rate offered by your bank or financial institution. It is expressed as a percentage. For example, if your bank offers an annual interest rate of 5%, you would enter "5" in this field.

Compound Frequency

Compounding refers to the process of earning interest on both the initial money you deposited and the interest you've already earned. The frequency of compounding can have a significant effect on your final savings. For example, if your bank compounds interest annually, it means the interest is added to your account once a year. If it's compounded monthly, the interest is calculated and added to your account every month. Choose the option that matches your bank's compounding frequency.

Number of Years

This is the length of time (in years) that you plan to leave your money in the savings account.

Additional Payment

If you plan to regularly add more money to your savings account (for example, every month or every year), enter that amount here.

Payment Frequency

This is how often you plan to make the additional payments. Choose the option that matches your plan.


After you click "Calculate", the calculator will show you:

Future Value

This is the estimated total amount of money you will have in your account after the specified number of years, including the initial deposit, regular additional payments, and all the interest you've earned.

Total Payments

This is the total amount of all the additional payments you've made over the years. It does not include the initial deposit (Start Amount).

Total Interest

This is the total amount of interest you've earned over the specified number of years.


Below the results, you'll see a chart that shows the growth of your savings over time. The 'Principal + Payments' line shows the total amount of your initial deposit and regular additional payments. The 'Balance/Growth' line shows the total amount in your account, including interest.


Remember, this calculator provides estimates, not exact figures. Always consult with a financial advisor or your bank for precise financial planning.
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